Sunday, March 16, 2014

[EOTD] My short post! What a short post~

11:24 PM Posted by Floiresan , , , , , 8 comments
Hello, Lovely! ♥♥
Have you heard 2NE1's latest album? Yes, they release their album this year. It named "Crush"!
I love this album, don't know why! Perhaps, I love 2NE1 more than other Korean GB do! LOL. They're such unique girlband. That's why I love them~

Btw, my short post is about a makeup I tried to "remake". Now, I know how hard to remake a make up look, yeah I know! -_- Freaking difficult. Need more practice. In my opinion, it's easier to make your own look rather than remake make up look.
I tried to remake CL's make up. I found it on her Instagram~ *what the hell, San?!*

This is the photo~

She looks fierce.. every time! The baddest female is her best title and I love her the way she is. I'm a big fan of her LOL. I rarely update Korean songs these days, but I will never become a very last person to listen 2NE1 and 4Minute's latest songs. HAHA

Her make up is always stunning. The eyeliner shape.... is cool! Dunno why. And I tried to remake it. Let's say the make up isn't difficult to make. Yep, not difficult, however it's kinda tricky for different eye shape ~

And this is my look!

My eye look:

I'm sorry I have to pose like that LOL. Dunno why, I love this pose recently HAHA. It's monotonous, isn't it? Whatever, I love it! Hehehe. 

And anyway, do you love this look? Tell me if you do or you don't :D
Thanks for reading, Lovely! ♥♥


  1. kurang lipstik birunyaaa san XD
    biar makin mirip ^^

    1. haha iya nih XD pgn lipstick biru gitu tp tkt ga kpake T^T

  2. Replies
    1. Makasih ♡ hihi. Pake dolly wink eyebrow sm marcara #2 :D

  3. aku jg suka banget sm makeup style nya CL san,, keren yaa XD

    1. puaraaah keren nyaaa <3 Bkin ngiler pula yg dia pake gitu. keren parah bangets hahahah XD make up na si sbnrnya eyeliner play gitu tp bagus xD
