Saturday, March 22, 2014

[Sponsored Review] Unwanted hair? Remove it by IPL from Touch Beauty Asia ^^

Hello, Lovely! ♥
How are you today? ^^ So here, I provide you a new review post. Review again? Ok, tell me that my blog is somewhat boring because the posts are mostly review this month -.-" But well, I will make other post later *I promise* :D

Is there anyone have any unwanted hair? If you're a woman and you love to maintain your appearance, I bet you have it, at least one part in your body! I also have unwanted hair (on my underarm) and urhhh, I have to shave/ it EVERY TIME it grows longer -A- Moreover, I have to bear its irritation after shaving -A-

If you ask me why I rarely wear sleeveless, it's all because I'm not confident enough of showing my arm and underarm. HAHA. So well, I love to wear outer if I have to wear sleeveless :D But now, that silly feeling is gone! I know I'm good enough to wear sleeveless *LOL* because the hair is gone!

Okay, how come? Let me tell you a very short story ^^

Last week, I was invited by Touch Beauty Asia  to try their treatment. I know, I'm so lucky then! XD
I also need some hair removal treatments, indeed. So, why not?

The employee and consultant are soooo friendly ^^ Thanks for mbak Puput (right) :) We had a nice conversation during the process. :D

So, they were asking me to have an IPL treatment for my underarm. And I'd like "what is IPL?"
They answered, "This is a hair removal method by laser" and I was just "Oh, okay!" without asking more information. Because I wanted to try it asap LOL!

Are you curious enough about IPL? 
PL stands for “intense pulsed light”.  It is a light therapy and not a traditional laser therapy.  It is different to laser in that it uses a spectrum of multiple wavelengths of light energy and thus can target, heat destroy, and stimulate a number of different skin structures at the same time.  Therefore, as long as the IPL has the necessary power output, the correct light filters, efficient surface skin cooling, and a wide pulse-width, it is able to permanently destroy hair follicles as well as treating skin pigmentation, regenerating collagen, and treating blood vessel destruction.

And this source give you more detail about IPL :) Let's go to the other photos!

A very clean and tidy room for your treatment? A BIG YES! :D They also provide a very good laser machine to have some laser hair removal :D

There are the kits. Spot the glasses? You have to wear glasses here! If you have your hair to be removed by IPL, you have to wear sunglasses. The light isn't good for our sight :D

I'm sorry that I don't capture the photos at all :') Nobody helps, indeed. But I will tell you how it works in detail :D

1. In here, the consultant will shave your unwanted hair first
Why? Because of IPL's effectiveness. IPL will work with a "no hair" area, so it needs to be cleaned ^^
2. The consultant will start to give some cooling gel on your wanted area :D
3. She will give you glasses and she also wears the glasses.
4. And ready to go!

There will be "itch" sensation or "pinch" sensation. Depends on your body xD
Here, if you're interested to try some, this is the price list :D

The price is not really expensive, right? But they really have a "quality" for its hygiene and technology :D
But if you feel "too" much, don't worry. There's promo here. 

Wanna know how? Just purchase TOUCH's hair removal package! Get cheaper price and get more cheaper/free treatment! It's only valid in March 2014. So, don't miss it! ^^

And, Thanks a lot Touch Beauty Asia ^^

I'll have next treatment later. Don't miss my post ya :)
If you're interested to have hair removal treatment or other beauty treatment, you can simply find them here.

TOUCH Beauty Asia
Address : Mall FX 4th floor, Jl. Jendral Sudirman Pintu Satu Senayan , Jakarta, Indonesia 10270
Phone Number/Reservation Number: (+6221)25554522, (+6221) 25554442, 
(+62)81318305050, (+62)81906020295
BlackBerry PIN: 2A96E67D
Facebook : Touch Beauty Asia

Thanks a lot for reading, Lovely! ♥♥


  1. Makasih cc review nya.. Helps a lot!
    Aku udh lm mau laser permanen, tp liat nya yg jutaan semua.. Huhu.. :(
    Tp berkat review mu aku ga usah repot untuk luangin waktu buat trimming" lg deh.. jg jd PD kalau mau pamer".. XP
    Will visit it super soon, thanks! :*

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