Sunday, December 8, 2013

[Random] Liebster Award

10:34 PM Posted by Floiresan , , , 4 comments
Hello, Lovely! ♥♥
Today, I wanna post about Liebster Award. Do you wanna know what Liebster Award is?

In my opinion, Liebster Award is a Cyber Award that we are appreciating others bloggers which is having less than 200 followers. I think it's quite fun, indeed. You can know each other (for bloggers) more and surely, it will be good for reader to know us more!! :D

Alright, thanks for Anggie Lorita to nominate me. I'm so thankful! ^_^

Here's the Liebster Award logo :)

Oh wait, here is some rules you have to know~
1. Thank to the one who nominates you here
2. Answer their 11 questions (They post it on their blog :3)
3. Choose 11 bloggers as nominees which have less than 200 followers
4. Make 11 questions for your nominees to be answered
5. Write 11 you random facts

Let's start!

Anggie asks 11 questions to be answered and I will answer by Indonesian, too.

Here are Anggie's questions to be answered:
1. Siapa yang menjadi inspirasi kalian untuk menjadi Beauty blogger?
2. Sebutin alat makeup yang harus ada di dalam tas kalian 
3. Apa eyeliner favorite kalian?
4. Kalian lebih suka eye makeup nude, smokey, atau korean?
5. Lebih milih shopping makeup, baju, atau sepatu? :p
6. Merk contact lens favoritmu apa?
7. Apa foundation favorite kalian? beserta alasannya
8. Apa BB Cream favorite kalian? beserta alasannya
9. Kalo misal kalian punya passion di makeup, tapi orang terdekat kita tapi nggak dukung, apa yang kalian lakukan?
10. Kalian lebih ke skincare addict atau makeup addict?
11. Contouring favorite kalian apa? :D

1. Banyak banget sih sebenarnya, tapi aku terinspirasi banget sama Xia Xue, Cheeserland dan Michelle Phan. Kalo Indonesian Beauty Blogger sih Cominica yaa. Sebenarnya aku lebih suka Fashion Blogger seperti Anastasia Siantar, Elle&Jess, Carolina Engman dan Rachel-Marie. Tapi berhubung badan nya tambun jadi jarang post OOTD dan lebih pede di muka, LOL.
2. Haduh banyak! Tapi eyeliner kudu wajib harus dibawa HAHA. Terus bawa loose powder, blush on, eyeshadow, contouring kit, lipstick dan lipgloss tentunya :D
3. Clio Kill Black dan Koji Line Beat!
4. Etoo, ini bingung jawab nya gimana. Aku si suka nya mata tapi aku bukan eksperimental di eye make up. Aku sendiri lebih ke arah Japanese style aja bagi make up nya sendiri :)
5. Ga bisa dipilih nih. Apalagi nambah makan. Makin ga bisa dipilih hahaha. Semua nya suka. Asal dari mood aja mana yang lebih "demen" buat dibelanjain :P
6. Vassen, Dueba, EOS dan Ageha. Freaking comfortable!
7. Chanel Perfection Lumiere. Hasil matte, tahan lama, warna nya masuk banget (shade B30), terus ga terlalu kuning juga tone nya. Pake tipis aja itu uda cukup dan medium coverage :D
8. Hmm, uda ninggalin yang namanya BB Cream cukup lama. Pindah hati ke Foundation tapi aku milih buat ke Etude House Precious Mineral Sun BB Cream. :D
9. Ya kalau aku pribadi, liat aja di masa depan nya aku seperti apa dan rencana hidup ke depan bagaimana. Bagiku, make up itu bisa kita lakukan di sela-sela waktu jadi ga perlu buru-buru buat kursus dll lah ya. Selama kita hobi, mereka ga bisa larang kita, kan? :D Aku yakin mereka bakal ngerti kalau kita ga bisa dikekang
10. Make up addict :D
11. Hmm, aku paling sering kombinasikan bronzer dari elf Contouring Blush & Bronzing Powder dan highlighting nya pakai highlighter dari Nose Shading nya Canmake. :D

So, here's my answers!! Kyaa~

Then, I wanna choose 11 bloggers to be nominated:
1. Yovi :
2.  Filia P:
3. Jennyfer Michiyo:
4. Ellen Tan :
5. Luna :
6. Depth:
7. Vina Mayu:
8. Dina :
9. Georgia Smith :
10. Dheicy :
11. Yanita:

And, congratulation! You are nominated by me *lol!* Here's I wanna ask to you all :D
1. Would you describe which style is describing you well for make up and fashion style? :D
2. What is your "the most important" make up tools?
3. Who is influencing you?
4. Who is your favorite blogger and tell me your reason :p
5. If you have to choose, you will dedicate into make up thingy or fashion one?
6. What is your favorite make up/fashion brand?
7. Do you have any make up and fashion reference beside blogs?
8. Do you wear any contact lenses? If yes, tell me what kind of pattern/color do you like?
9. What is your point to choose the product you will but? Will you choose it based on brand, quality or price? Explain more!
10. Would you agree about body modification like plastic surgery, botox, etc?
11. Are you currently working into fashion/make up things? If you're not, will you work there if you have any chance?

AND YES, BRACE YOURSELF LOL! I will post my 11 random facts:
1. I'm into make up and fashion since I'm 18 to 19. Well, I'm learning about make up in a short period for self-learner (in Indonesian, otodidak :p).
2. Can't live without my make up on my daily life. WTF. However, I'm still very boyish @_@
3. I currently study Computer Science (in Indonesian is Teknik Informatika) but nobody can guess my major. Everyone thinks I'm taking Public Relation or Design major one *facepalm*
4. Make up is a real design for me. You're designing your own face and your face is your canvas. Be pretty means drawing a pretty face on your canvas :D
5. Beside make up and fashion, I'm into FOOD things. That's why I am so fat LOL. I love chocolate, patisserie and tea very much. I will be very glad if you offer me Moroccan Mint Tea or Godiva Chocolate :p
6. I was born in a very Chinese family but I've learnt about Western culture and more Oriental culture (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) since I was 13! Then, I'm currently into Japanese and Korean things.
7. I will stick into something if I really love into it. Likewise, Dreamie Chuppa. She is my all time favorite seller. I also love Kyosuke Nishikawa's hair cutting. I will never choose other stylist beside him LOL
8. Love various kind of music like Pop, Rock, Jazz, Country, Blues, Hip Hop and RnB. You will easily find me with my earphone on my ears HAHA
9. I'm very loud and warm person. So, be careful of your ears. My voice easily makes you deaf ROFL
10. My mom is my biggest sister ! She's so young and so pretty. I wish I can publish her here :P
11. I'm a black and white lover. My phone and laptop is white. My car is black. WTF?! Ya, I mean, I love those 2 colors so much >_<

NAH, I've fulfilled all of them. So, this is about me. ^_^
If you are tagged, please leave your answer post link on comment box. I'll wait your answers.
For readers who wanna answers them, you can copy all of my questions and post it with your answers on comment box, too :D

Thanks for reading, Lovely! ♥♥


  1. Waaa makasih udah di nominated!! But I've done this before, i think I can't done it again? D:

    But thankyou! And thankyou too for stopping by my blog <3

    1. Bisa sih soalnya questions nya blom tentu sama hihihi

  2. Congrats ^^
    mind to follow each other?
    let me know then ^^

  3. Congratulations on your award! :)

    I'm inviting you to the giveaway I'm currently having on my blog:

    Win Barbie Circle Lens of your choice

    Hope you join! ^^
