Tuesday, February 18, 2014

[Review] Redyeing my hair into RED again by Syoss!

Hello, Lovely! ♥♥
Have you ever known that if our colored hair can be faded very early? It happens on me, again. My lovely red hair color was faded. Yes, it turned into ..... ORANGE. Well, it didn't turn into citrus orange color, indeed. However, it looked like a lil bit orange and my black root has been growing lately. It was about 1.5 into 2 cm. It's kinda annoying for me :p

So, I decided to "re-touch" my hair by myself. I thought I would buy a "bubble foam" hair dye since it has lighter texture and easier to apply. However, I didn't find any "ready stock" red bubble foam hair dye in Indonesia's online shop stores. I also didn't find it on drugstores .... I'm so impatient. I wanna retouch it soon! Very soon! -____- So,  I took a cream based one.

I was going to Guardian at Central Park Mall to buy some stuffs and I found Syoss Professional Performance Hair Dye. I found it interesting because it has a pretty red hair color LOL. I bought #5-89 Dark Ruby Red. It's a permanent coloration hair dye. YEYEY, retouch retouch ! LOL.

This is my awful hair:

It isn't really visible. I think the color is washed in this photo.

Nah, orange hair and black roots T_T

Then, the product I purchased is Syoss:

The ingredients and the content sections.

Short description, instructions in Bahasa and its color chart. It has a pretty red color!

Nah, this is the things in this box. You will get them all in every hair dye product!

Left to Right: Developer Emulsion, Color Cream, Instruction and gloves, Conditioner

I'm sorry I'm too lazy to write its instruction, LOL. It's easy to use. Simply wear your gloves and put the color cream on the developer emulsion's bottle and shake them! You don't need to prepare any plate and chopsticks to stir them. Simply shake them and apply it on your hair! :D

AND, this is the result (after applying conditioner and shampooing!)

Sorry, another washed photo -_-

Then, comes into review:
♥♥Color (5/5) :
 It has a very pretty color! It appears as I expected! It has a very good red~
♥♥Smell (3.5/5) :
 The smell  is not very bad and not really stink. Good then
♥♥Quantity (5/5):
The quantity is too much, indeed! LOL. It is too much for medium hair. Perhaps it will be enough for long hair (1-3 cm under shoulder).

BUT, it's really hot to apply! I think the performance is too "harsh" so it can be applied for 15 to 20 minutes. 

Unfortunately, my black root isn't colored at all. DUH, still really black. I think it's because of different hair color. My hair is bleached and my root isn't. So, it isn't colored at all.

So, the whole score is 4! :D

What do you think about this hair dye? I think I will repurchase them if I wanna change my hair color again XD.

If you wanna purchase it, you can simply go to famous drugstores and supermarkets like Guardian, Watson, Carrefour, Hero, etc! I'm not really sure about the price, but it is about Rp. 76.000 to Rp. 79.000. i'm not really sure, but the price is quite reasonable :D

Thank for reading, Lovely! ♥♥


  1. Masi ttp suka sm schwarkopft krn tgl kramas doank..:D
    Btw ini hasilnya ga gt genjreng yak..

    1. Yg bylthe eye cii? Wkakwkak simpellll si. Tp syoss pny schwarzkopft juga si (auk de tulisan yg bnr gmn zz) . Ia hasil na lbh alamii kykna. Mgkn kl bleach na terang skali bs jd lbih merah :3

  2. wahh syang ya san rootnya ga brubah warnanya pdhl tujuan utamanya kan itu >.<

    1. Iyaa! Makanya betein jg. Tp gpp dehhh. Mending bgni dbanding kmaren rinii. Rmbut ku yg kmarin ud smpe orange n jauh lbh jelek lg kliatan na. Kl ini ga bgtu kliatam jdnya hehehe

  3. waah kok cepet ya tumbuhnya, bknnya bru bln kmren ya kamu warnain? merahnya cucok deh, mauu :3


    1. Ia baru sbulan lebih T_T sbulan 2mingguan. Ud luntur aj sbulan. Mgkn krn keramas na pake shampoo anti dandruff (ketahuan de bandelnya haha). Tp temen ku pd blg banyak si ya rambut merah itu gampang luntur -_- haiyooo

  4. My friend dyes her hair into red color, too. She usually buys her red hair color in gothic stores... However, even these colors fade too early. Then she has pink hair. ^^"
    I think all hair dye products are the same =_="

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    1. Perhaps it will be happened if the color is really bright and needs to be bleached one. I had my hair into caramel color before dyeing red and they're much better for longevity. Ah I don't know how to find gothic store here. Is that semi permanent hair dye?

  5. merahnya bagus :) tapi sayang rootnya ga ikut kewarna


    1. Makasih ^^. Ia sayang bgt :( pdhl pgn na bs ngenutupin juga akarnya. Tp ya gpp si. Seengganya cm beda2 tipis sm rambut yg d bawah nya :p

  6. wah kayanya kurang bagus ya ci warnanya, kenapa ga pake liese aja?
    kayanya ada yg stok deh kalo liese >.<

    1. masa sih? :o cari yg ready stock. Ga sabaran WKWK *ketahuan* hihihi. ak ga tau nyari dmn tp yg liese ga ad yg merah ....
