Monday, January 4, 2016

[Miscellaneous] Another hair story '15 ♥

Hello, Lovely! ♥ Feels so new because we are in 2016~ ! So, if you follow my Instagram, you do exactly know I changed my hair color into grey (yay, finally!) and I also dragged my close friend (BFF) to the salon and changed his hair color into.. rainbow hair! :"

So, let's start my another hair journey:
First, I tried to change my hair color to "dusty and smoky" grey look but I failed (here's my older post) so I decided to go to salon. "Tired of trying by myself" lol.

Then, I remembered the salon where Anastasia Siantar dyed her hair grey and grey with blue bias. It's at Bonk's Salon. I think it's kinda good to go!

And this collage will sum all of the process I've been through:

My first hair is kinda blonde (it's a bleached color but much orange) and then Ko Abong (the owner) said that my hair needed to be bleached. So, his assistants bleached my hair twice into like this:

And he mixed the color mixture and applied it on my hair. The result is unpredictable:

Dark grey but it seems like "too dark" and similar to black. ERH. So, Ko Abong offered me to be back there and changed the color.

2 weeks later, I was back there and did the same process again. Here's my "new hair":

I'm sooooo glad of the result. This grey "granny" hair look is so pretty ♥

And here's how it looks in different angle. Thanks a lot, ko Abong!

Feel fabulous af! ♥♥ HAHA!

And I've washed my hair three times in a week (duh, because of new year's party at home xD), the color fades but it leaves great grayish blonde hair.

I'm so happy ~ Anyway, I think I'll retouch my hair color in February.

If you ask the reason why the root is not colored, well, it's my request. I wanna grow my hair longer. It needs to be grown soon! XD

I dragged (actually I told my BFF) to go here because I know he wanted rainbow hair long time ago. He wanted to have rainbow hair look like Sehun EXO.

Credit: Sehun94

But ko Abong said that the colors look too harsh so he will make it in softer look (I think it's like in a different highlight technique). So, his hair turned into rainbow AND I envy his hair a lot because his hair color is different in any angle X"D 

10 angles and different look (WTF?!). LOL so how his hair turned into:

"ignore meh please!" X"D

I think I'll be back there many times since the result is fabulous!

If you wanna go to Bonk's Salon, here's the address:
 Address: Jl. Mangga Besar 8 No. 11DB, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11150
Phone:(021) 6244632
Hours: Open today · 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
How does it look, Lovely? ♥

Thanks for reading!


  1. gilaaaaa itu rainbow hahahah bleaching nya pasti sakit... kwkwww

    1. ya but he didn't get his hair bleached anymore git hahahah! Jadi rambutnya dari ke bonks salon sudah putih abis. Dia uda kena bleach 8x totalnya jadi uda platinum blonde gitu. Putih banget makanya tinggal coloring wkwkwk

  2. waaoow.. i rrally want to try grey color like this... tapi gacocok sama tone muka mwahahah. salam kenal^^

    Blacksugar 1st Giveaway^^

    1. I think gray hair is suitable for everyone in every skintone tapi emang beda beda shade nya sih. Paling tinggal konsul aja cocoknya apa xD. Salam kenal juga ;D

  3. Abu2nya masih ada sedikit bias kuningnya yah... Gak dinetralin dulu kah sama Ko Abong warna rambutnya sebelum dicat? ._.
    Malahan sebenernya kalo mau warna silvernya terang banget, gak perlu pake cat lagi. Tinggal dinetralin aja pake toner.
    Kalo mau warna rambutnya balik grey cobain sampo alfaparf uomo men silver shampoo deh. Aku juga pake itu sekitar 3 hari sekali. Ada di guardian kok :)

    Grey hair kayaknya kurang cocok sama yang mukanya agak kemerahan atau banyak bekas jerawat warna merah ya? Ketara banget kalo lagi jerawatan T_T Kalo gak dandan juga keliatan kucel abis hiks. Akhirnya aku cat balik jadi gelap deh rambutnya xD

    Salam kenal dari grup Just Makeup ya ;)
