Monday, June 9, 2014

[Random] Be wise of your hair, because I know I am not ;)

Hello, Lovely!  ♥ Sorry, I don't update too much because I have to do some assignments before this semester is over :D And June is hectic month, so it is very difficult to update T_T

And if you follow my Instagram, you will know that I have changed my hair color. Do you wanna know how many have I changed my hair? Once? Nope. It is twice! And my hair was also bleached twice!

Twice and I know my hair is freaking dry and unhealthy. Please, don't do this at home XD It is so embarrassing because I don't act wise towards my hair. And in this long post, I will tell you about the story of my hair :)

I have decided to change my hair for a long time. I'd tried to find which color I will try and my next project color is GREEN! Yes, what kind of green le? I will give you some examples :)

Nah, they are using dark green color (into black, perhaps). It reminds me of leaves, doesn't it? I love this color because one of famous fashion blogger, Sonia Eryka, inspires me.

She has pretty green hair and it looks sooo cool. I love this color. It looks great, rare to find and “outlaws” at the same time. That is why I purchased Enchanted Forest color by Manic Panic. Mine is classic cream one :)

Before I dyed it green, I know that I have to bleach my hair since my previous color is red and it needs to bleach to “let” the green in.

My real hair before it was recolored:

I think the red color was totally disappeared and my hair turned into light brown with black roots. Ieuwh!

So, I bought hair bleaching powder at a small saloon close to my house. I asked them about the bleaching powder and they said that it needs 3-4 table spoons of bleaching powder to get my hair bleached. So, I purchased the powder and developer.

The owner told me about the products she gave to me. Bleaching Powder is Concept Bleaching Powder from Makarizo and .. I forget about the developer. Sorry >_<

And this is the first step of my journey:

Bleach Powder

After waiting for 1 hour:

Yes, it is bleached! My hair turned orange, but it didn't happen on my virgin hair. My virgin hair area is still black, How can? T_T

So, I went to a salon in my campus area and had my hair bleached. I asked the hairstylist to bleach my hair but not too blonde. I'd like to have my hair bleached in orange, not blonde. So, he agreed, but… he fails! He makes it blonde T___T

I felt like my hair is like lion hair LOL. It doesn't suit me at all. So, I asked my friend (sorry!) to help me of applying this green color cream soon. Thanks to Levin. He's a great guy who always be there when I am in need :D And he applied it on my hair, stained my cheek and forehead, his arm and other friend's arm. Alright, the green stains is everywhere :v

And this was the result :D

Thanks for your magical hand, Levin. And sorry for the green stains everywhere. On your hand, your new clothes and others :P It turned great, indeed ^^ However, your work doesn't stay longer. I MUST recolor my hair again :(

I got what I wanted. My green hair! And it was fabulous. But why? T____T

Everybody was so shocked and I knew it right! This color is not a common color, right? Kinda extreme. But I love it! A hater (or some, well, I don’t care) told me that my green hair looked like a monkey. Hello, monkey’s hair is not green :P Many people told me how cool my green was. Many people gave me great compliments. I do think I don’t choose wrong color at all XD. I love my green hair beside red one ^^

My parents knew about and they were very upset. I was unhappy but society will never stop to judge, right? I’d like to do everything for myself, express myself well, love myself as I am x"D

However, they are, people I do always love and respect (perhaps, I have blind fear towards them), won’t give me a chance to do such extreme things. They are always thinking about society, every time, everywhere!
I tried to appreciate of their good side, protect me from society. I don't give a f*ck from the very first, but they do. What can I do? Next, I dyed it again into darker shade. I think I have done my best :)

This is my latest hair color. It is into ash green. I got ash color by using Freshlight Foam in Berry Ash. Thanks, it helps a lot!

Room light

Room Light + Outdoor Light

Yes, I do still have green color on my hair. It looks like green tint o.O Dunno what to say..

I don't think I will make reviews for all of my hair dye since I don't use them alone. No review for these hair dye products.

What do you think about my hair color? Is it still look good?

Thanks for reading, Lovely! ♥


  1. I think your green hair is awesome Susan, too bad i didn't get the chance to see it.
    Societies indeed harsh and they just can't accept things that are uncommon for them. I wish to dye my hair pink soon, I thought I only live once and I'm still free, but then I read your post, it makes me think twice, but then again.. it's my hair, my mom probably won't agree to it anyway jadi aku bakal do it nanti kalo udah keluar rumah and live alone but before married. hahaha
    tapi green hair, ash green hair and your new hair now seems so cool. me love it!!!

    1. Hahaha iya nih. Too bad that you won't see it in green :(. Yes, they love their comfort zone and do always think that everything normal is the best and being different is not accepted. They are people who are matter it, not us. Hahahaha yeah, gue juga mikir kayak lo si dee. Masih muda, I think I want to explore and express my free self. But hey, kita hidup d orang yg judgemental dalam penampilan hahahaa. Thanks ♡

    2. paling-paling aku juga akhirnya ntar coklat terang not blonde kasih pink ombre, hahaha tapi yah beginilah di indonesia. lagi belajar kemaren di kelas, bagi mereka kita yang begini dibilang abnormal. hahaha.. padahal saya normal-normal saja, hanyak ga mau punya rambut plain hitam, bosen, majority banget! hahaha

    3. idih, kayaknya kita ga punya penyakit scr psikologis dehhh hahhahaha. all we do want to is a different look. mereka aja yang ga biasa hahahaha

  2. The green hair looks really wonderful! :) Love it! ^^

    ❤ ✿ MY BLOG ✿ ❤

  3. your green hair is awesome. yeah parents and social environment judging based on look, i hate it too. that's one of the reason i can't dye my hair.
    the newest hair color is also great on your, don't worry young people love to try something new..

  4. yang ijo padahal bagus banget *___*


  5. Ur green hair is awesome !! u looks beautiful in green.. u should dye ur hair into green again ^^

    1. Thank you! <3 Hehehhe I think I will, later..

  6. aaa pretty <3 orangnya cakep, rambutnya juga cakep ^^

    btw, i've followed your blog, mind to follow back?

    1. Hello <3 Makasih ya, you're also that pretty, dear ^^
      okay followed :)

  7. aku jg shock pas liat rmbut ijo mu san *___*
    soalnya jarangggg banget liat org yg milih wrn ijo, jd shock haha..
    tp klo diliat2 keren juga yaa >___< sayang harus diwarnain lain T____T *pukpuk*
    btw kondisi rambutmu gmn tuh abis dibleach & di coloring 2x? O_O

    Don't forget to join our Etude House & Holika Holika Goodies Giveaway ^__^

    1. huahhahaha XD dikira wig pasti! hihihihi. iya nih T___T puk2 diri sendiri jadinya huhuhu. jadi kering juga sih shelv. uda itu banyak yang patah2. haiyahhh. masih diomelin sebenernya karena hijau nya ga berhasil hilang, tapi ga separah hijau nya 1 kepala kemarin huakakak

  8. Rambut hijaunya di foto yang cuma 2 sebelahan bagus lho, aku kira itu wig! Mirip2 rambut cosplay gitu keren! :D

    Trus sekarang rambutnya jadi golden brown yak? Sayang banget :/ Padahal hijaunya keren asik ^^

    1. hihihi makasih XD iya pada kira wig. padahal asli :o ga kok. ash green, ga coklat golden brown. kl d foto keliatan kyk gold tapi aslinya masih ada hijau hijau gaje nya wkwk XD

  9. Too bad you have to re-dye your green hair ToT
    It was sooo good on you actually..
    Maybe society will let us have green hair once we are a Kpop artist XD hahaha..

    1. YES T___T I also wanna cry when I know I have to redye it again. Ok I will. I will be a K-Pop singer one day, in my dream XD LOL

  10. wow, green hair! u rock it!
    I think only a few people will dare to break 'the society's law', therefore I categorize those person special.
    Will second the previous comment, people will 'allow' us to do that special thing once we become an 'artist'.
    But...if we do something unique like dyeing hair green to express ourselves, we may be called an artist, aren't we? :DDD

    by the way, that manic panic classic, how long did it last on you?

    1. Thank You! <3 Hehe. I dunno, artist is a person who is into art. actor/actress is a person who is into act things like act for drama, theater, etc. I think I'll call myself as a daring person because of my hair color lol.
      manic panic classic cream isn't long lasting, though. the color will be less intense in a week and more. it turns brassy easily

  11. Your green hair is awesome lha~
    But sometimes society give too much sh*t on us -_-
    I have brown-pink hair and yes many eyes are on me wherever I go and they talk sh*t behind me perhaps. But who cares?

    Before I dyed my hair, I asked my mom's permission. My dad won't give his permission for sure, but he's in Canada, so well yeah... No need to tell him lha :p

    But I think your act to re-dye your hair is a good choice, since you thought about your parents and their feelings.
    Thank God I have a good mom, who let me to have pink hair :)

    ✿ Kawaii Fuku ✿

    1. Thank you, Neni <3 Yes, they are just too much! Hahhaa. I also don't give a fck about my unique hair XD Yes, you're just that lucky :D

  12. waaaaa keren rmbut hijaunya XD mupeng tp g berani XD
    anyway u look really pretty on the last pic .

  13. I think your green hair looks very lovely. It's such a pity that you have to re-colour it. Some people just don't understand the freedom of expressing one's self. Perhaps someday you will attain that freedom without having to be judged by those close to you. :)

    1. yes, i hope so T___T I wanna try other extreme colors, but well.. T___T

  14. beneran gokil yang ijo tuh langka tp keren loh hihi cantik lah diapain juga kamu mah..

    kindly folback ya say tq... :)

    1. bisaan aja hahah XD Ttp emang ijo nya langka sih. oke de done ^^v

  15. Jadi inget jama kuliah dulu aku juga pernah rambutnya green ehehe, pink sama merah. Tapi dulu masih blm ada manic panic, jadinya pake merk apa ya lupa dari Jepang gitu :D

    1. oh yaa? blm ada yg jual apa gmna? o.O manic panic bkn nya uda lama ya? XD ak kl warna pink bs d cekek haha
