Tuesday, January 14, 2014

[Review + FOTD] Changing my hair color @One Piece Hair Studio!

10:35 AM Posted by Floiresan , , , , , , 20 comments
Hello, Lovely! 
After being so busy in these two weeks in January, I can update my blog again! Ah yeah, I also change my blog domain *again*. Yuhuu, so happy XD

Perhaps some of you [while others not] know that I have changed my hair color. Yap, I changed it into RED! LOL!
I wish I can change my hair color into ash, but I can't T___T So, let me tell you my journey to the best salon in town~

So, this is my second time to visit this Kelapa Gading branch one. One Piece Hair Studio is one of the best hair studio in Jakarta. One Piece Hair Studio is one of the member of Shunjimatsuo Hair Studio by Hisato. This salon is very unique because it's colorful, bold and sooooo Japanese! LOL!

Let's see all the surroundings...

Still feel the Christmas atmosphere here!

Reading this book while were waiting Mr. Kyo.
Hohoho, love the quote!

Quoted by inspiring designer, Coco Chanel. Well, you're right! Cutting my hair is about changing my life XD

Colorful but keep simple. LOVE!

Nah, can you see how lovely is this hair studio? I love this hair studio too much!

Firstly, I wanna say sorry to this salon because I have changed my appointment date twice on December because I'm too busy [my time management is really bad!] and FINALLY, I can make it on January 3rd. I made my appointment with Mr. Kyosuke Nishikawa. He is my all-time-favorite hair stylist. Firstly met him on Central Park and I fell in love with his cutting style [not the stylist, alright? >_<] and the way we discussed about my hair condition.
Believe me, he's too awesome. I love the way he cuts my hair. I love the way he handles my hair and tells me my hair condition. He's also not a materialistic one [believe me, many stylists are sugarcoating their mouth to customers for earning more money]. He advises everything for the best hair, not only for his earning. Salute!
I decided to go to the new branch at Kelapa Gading since Kyo-san moves to Kelapa Gading... T___T
I don't care how far it is, I don't want to change hairstylist anymore *sobbing*

Before I have this hair colored,  I have to make my mom and 'soul brother' sure of my decision. Well, they think that my hair falls too much and have to stop coloring ... But, well, I don't want to! My mom also doesn't want me to bleach my hair. But, ugh, mom, I can handle it! LOL.

However, I want to change my hair into light ash color for a long time! And I asked Kyo-san's advice. He said that it needs to be bleached for 5 times and my hair isn't that good to "endure" that bleaching process. Soooo sad! So, he said that it will be okay if I had it bleached for twice. Then, he showed the color chart, I was unhappy because it looks too dark .... No, no. Not that dark! I want brighter color! And he showed another color chart and I saw "red" there and I said "May I?" and he said "Oh okay, it could be! Let's start!"

Thennnn, he walked and talked with the assistants to prepare the coloring process. He stirred the color and told the assistants to bleach my hair.

Taraaa ta taaa *singing!*

Preparing for bleaching! Oops, there is mbak Pipit here. Hello! >_<

Kyo is checking everything. Wuhuu~

And then, this is the bleaching result! .....

Sorry, I don't have my make up here. Sorry for my ugly bare face XD

Preparing to put the red color. Eh, the red haired assistant is smiling at the camera. WTF? @_@ LOL

And this hair studio can't change my mind. They're awesome as always! 

Took some pics with Mr. Kyo *blushed*

*ignore my tired face, seriously!*

This is my first time of having my hair bleached, so it feels a lil bit absurd a.k.a "norak". ROFL.
And here, the result ....

No Flash

With Flash

Well, what do you think? I love this color, too. Many people said that color is too weird, I'm too insane, etc. Well, I don't care! I love this hair too much!
I think I will make it into ash, someday! HAHA. I really want to have light ash one T_____T

So, let me spam you some FOTDs!

I do love this color, how about you? 
If you wanna change your hairstyle, there is a very special offering for you >__<
Check their official pages for further information: 

Official Website: One Piece Hair Studio

So, thanks for reading, lovely! 


  1. waahh merahnya bagusss, pengen merah jugaa tp msih blom ngantongin ijin -_-

    My Butterfly Fly Away

  2. san jadi lebih seger.. hehehe aku juga pernah dipotong sama kyosuke waktu di CP :D telaten ya doi kalo motong hahahaha *sampe ga sabaran*

    1. wkwkkw iya emg. dia kl motong rasanya lamaaaa banget. tp ya krn telaten si jd mau ga mau d sabarin XD. dlu ptma kali jg kykna "duh lama banget" tp skrg ud biasa sih >_<

  3. Ga mahal yah disana? Aku wktu itu lewatin tp ga mampir.. pgn coba sama kyosuke :) hihi..
    Btw bagus rmbut mu. Cocok abis sama image mu. Sukaaaa to the max ♥

    1. when it calls into price, i have to admit that this salon is somewhat pricey. brasa juga billing nya walopun ud disc 40% T__T tapi emg ak na dr dlu uda sm kyo si n nyaman sm dia nya. soalnya stylist na baik banget. trs bukan mulut2 marketing gtu, yg cm blg bagus ini bagus itu pdhl belom tentu. dia bnr2 kl ccok buat kita n bagus buat rambut, baru dia "saranin". kl ngga ya dia ga saran2in amat >_< ga pasaran si intinya hihihi. makasihhhh <3 <3

  4. totally in love with your new hair color jie *.*
    aahh jadi pengen coba ke one piece coloringnya, tapi harga nya lumayan menguras kantong jg ya -._

    1. hihiih makasihhh *o*
      menguras bangettt si tp kualitas na emg ada >_<

  5. Mo ikut ngecat jg byar di elus sma co jpng ganteng ! XD

    1. huhuhu cm btr doang, yg ngecat bukan dia T___T eh km sudah bkin blogg? KYAAA! asik sikkkk ~~

  6. bagusss >.< Aku udah booking cutting & coloring sama Kyosuke akhir bulan ini :) Gak sabar! :D


    1. hihihi smoga d km hasil na juga memuaskan ya >_<

  7. keren rambutnyaaaa<3 ga d ombre ce? kyk nya bagus juga tuh hehe^^ love your hairrrr aaa

    1. pengen d ombre si tp papa ku bs cincang daku kali wkwk. hihi thanks janice <3

  8. Kyo keren amat ya #eh #salahfokus wkwk
    Bagus san rambutnya, suka modelnyaa <3 btw cat + bleaching jadi kena berapa san? katanya kalo bleach itungan harganya jadi 2x cat ya?

    1. wkwkw ganteng ya *ikut salah fokus*
      wkwkk makasih :*
      iya ajubileh harga nya. harga cat sama bleach persis sama. kan ak cutting. jd bleach dlu, cutting baru coloring. jd kena nya 780 + 550 + 680 ... untung aje disc 40% @___@

  9. Cool.. ☆.☆ natural cantik... like your style

  10. SAAAAAAAN cakeeeeep!!! I remembered how much I wanted to have red hair, you know old European folk tales about redheads, witches etc...okay this is absurd. I used to want red but no longer now, I want BLUE. yeah, BLUE lol like navy blue? XD

    I wonder if someday I could get my hair done at One Piece, because reading you guys' experiences there makes me seriously jelly!! They're so good, and well your hairstylist is pretty cute anw *O*

    aside of all. thank you for the post and sharing, now I want red hair once more. dammit. ASH/NAVY/RED? *runaway*

    1. KWKWKWK you! why are you so greedy? Can you pick a color for your hair? wkwk *minta d tabok! kalo ga 3 3 nya d gabung aja. Dip dyed *makin ga beres
      wkwkwk. ia keren, and i changed into red because my hair can't be bleached for 5 times *crying~~
      IYA, this hair studio is highly recommended >_< I also wanna change my hair color again *wtf* into green! dark green, perhaps XD *crazy
